Tuesday 10 February 2009

More snow.....

Mmm this snow stuff is alright but its bit cold on the tootsies..... not ideal to creep up on stuff either. I'm a bit too obvious.

So back inside to watch the birds from the window...... then another a sleep,

just 3 more days and i'll be one year old (Friday the 13th)

Monday 2 February 2009

Snow......what is it?

Some white fluffy stuff fell from the sky today and I watched out of the window and wondered what it was
Could I eat it, could I play with it?
So I nipped out the front door to find out.......Blimey its cold on my little paws

Best stay inside methinks where its nice and warm. I love my box under the radiator......
.........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (again)

Tuesday 20 January 2009

I have a nice new collar with ID tag with my name on it, just in case I get stuck in a garage (again)

I did have some fun in the summer when I got out of the bathroom window and on to the roof. What a great place to hide, my mum wasn't very happy when I she saw me right on the very top.

getting down was very scarey....... one life down

O still like to do a bit of lap snuggling, my mum takes my collar off

Monday 19 January 2009

Been a long time since I wrote on my blog but as you can see I have been on the look out

I also found a great place for a drink